1 min read, 136 words, last updated: 2022/2/1
How to Detect Screen Border
To detect the screen border offset -> mouseEvent.screenX
To detect if there are multiple screens -> window.screenLeft
Here is a real-world example showing how we make a collapse sidebar and let it auto-expand when user moves their mouse to the screen border.
const SIDER_WIDTH = 256;
const handleMouseMove = (event) => {
// mouseEvent.screenX to get the mouse position
// window.screenLeft to get the screen offset if there are multiple screens
const currentScreenX = event.screenX - window.screenLeft;
if (currentScreenX <= SIDER_TRIGGER_WIDTH && isCollapsed) {
} else if (currentScreenX >= SIDER_WIDTH && !isCollapsed) {
<div onMouseMove={handleMouseMove}>
Notice that we always desire to define a buffer width between two change points to give a better user experience for such cases.